The 3 step framework that works even if you've failed in the past

Discover The 1-on-1 Coaching Model That Will Transform Your Relationships & Life

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can you confirm the following 
before booking a call:

  • You want to know how to re-create the trust, connection and communication in your relationship.
  • You are on the brink of a messy relationship breakdown/divorce and you want to rebuild the relationship.
  • You want to create passionate, intimate and loving relationships in less than 60 days
  • Ready to commit 100% to a solution focused framework.
  • ​Ready to follow a step by step process that is simple to follow

Claim Your Exclusive 1-1 Session

But before you do, here’s my promise to you: 

Transform any relationship, regardless of how bad it is. Start seeing results in as little as 60 days. Get step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. Works even if you have a history of breaking promises.

Create passionate, intimate and loving relationships in less than 60 days Even if you have a history of breaking BREAKING PROMISES 

Greg Riley

Greg Riley is one of Australia's leading mentors and coaches for professional couples.  The results he gets speak for himself, just do a simple google search.

Not only does Greg do things completely differently to most coached by following a bespoke solution focused framework, he also sees what many others can't.  He is able to see beyond the stories to the real issue/s.

If Greg's chooses to work with you he not only helps you rebuild the relationship on a physical, emotion and mental plane, he helps you create a deeply profound and intimate spiritual connection where the relationship transcends what you can only ever dream of.

Transform any relationship

Get step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow

Trusted by Professional Couples to Create the Relationship of YOUR DREAMS

Creating Passionate, Intimate and LOVING RELATIONSHIPS

I am a different person now. Before was not about love. Now its all about love 
I loved it. I found my strength. I found out I was trying to please everyone else. Now I have focus. The awareness has made me happier. I feel very confident. 
I am a different person now. Before was not about love. Now its all about love 
I am a different person now. Before was not about love. Now its all about love 

Tell me, GreG.. Do You Have more amazing Testimonials?

Oh Yes, Click Here To See Them


Do you feel like your relationships are suffering? Is the lack of intimacy and sex in a relationshipstarting to wear on both parties, or is one person feeling neglected by their partner's attention span as they focus more time outside than inside what should be considered home sweet homepage)? I've helped countless people with these issues over my 20 years as an expert therapist-in-training. If this sounds familiar then don't wait any longer! We offer free consultations so that we can assess where things currently stand before getting started together (you deserve better).


We all know how it feels when we first meet someone and there's a spark between the two of us. But what happens after that?

90% percent never receive support or advice from their spouse which could have enabled them to rekindle those feelings again, but unfortunately they're on their own with no one else around except for lawyers and judges in divorce proceedings-

Not exactly ideal circumstances under which any person wants his/her children growing up without him or her present because he lost everything while dealing with conflict within himself as well

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to do this with my partner or can I do this by myself? Yes absolutely you can do this by yourself.  Many people in relationships do take this course by themselves.
  • If I am single can I still do the course as I would like to know what it takes to build a successful relationship?  Yes many people do take this course for that reason and it is quite successful for them.
  • Is my confidentiality secure?  Yes that is one of the main reasons people see me.  Relationship issues are a very private matter and the rules of confidentiality are strictly adhered too. 
  • How many people are in each group coaching intake?  This is another great reason to go with me as each intake has a maximum of 12 couples/people so you get the best coaching possible.
  • Are 1 on 1 coaching sessions included in this?  Apart from the initial intake call you can book 1 on 1 sessions with me but they will be at an hourly cost.  This is a group coaching program but if you feel a 1 on 1 would assist it can be arranged.



Rebuilding your broken relationships can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take. This results in them taking far longer than they need too. Normal therapy models are ineffective and keep you talking about the problem. They focus on the past and take a long time to see any real change. It is limiting and an outdated/broken model. In reality who really wants to see a therapist for months or even years?

Do you know how much the average divorce costs? It's on average between 50 and 100K, but it's not only costing you financially it's costing you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It's the cost of your kids not playing sport because all the money has gone to a lawyer. Imagine telling your children that they can't play soccer with their friends because you can't afford it?

The injustice of handing over your hard-earned money to someone else to mediate a compromise where in reality you could have resolved this with a better result at a fraction of the time and cost. You are literally sitting on a financial time-bomb that can destroy and decimate everything you've worked so hard for.

Well, we’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our simple step-by-step framework and you’ll rebuild your relationships quickly, easily, and painlessly. When you follow our step by step simple framework, you'll also save yourself hundreds of hours, tens of thousands of dollars, and achieve a superior result than old traditional pocket lining methods.


  • If you are on the brink of a relationship breakdown and have tried it all.
  • Are looking for a mentor that can see through the BS and find solutions quickly.
  • ​You're ready to commit 110%
  • If you are ready to go deep inside yourself to find who you truly are.


  • If you are wanting to blame the other person.
  • If you want to live in the past.
  • If you want to be right all the time.
  •  If you won't put in 100% and move to a solution mindset.

Are you next?

Will you be next?...
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IMPORTANT: Terms and Legal Disclaimers
All content contained within this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your Doctor (GP) or other qualified health provider before initiating anything that may impact your health including hypnotherapy.

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. 

Testimonials are from real clients who have been through the 5 Dimensons programme. Your result will depend entirely on your individual capacity and willingness to apply yourself fully to all aspects of the programme and the healing you need to do. Greg Riley Pty Ltd is not responsible for events that occur in your life that disrupt your healing progress or interfere with your ability to progress through the programme, It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the motivation, desire and appropriate space in your life to undertake healing and transformation work. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. By using our products and service you agree that Greg Riley Pty Ltd is not liable to you in any way for your results. 
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